Announcement Letter of a Hiring Freeze

Among the business letters available for one’s use, is the letter announcing a hiring freeze and is probably one of the most delicate announcements one could ever make. This is so because it will greatly affect not only the physical but also the moral aspect of the employees and potential employees. Hiring employees greatly affect the stability of the company. Such measures are usually taken in order to protect and secure the safety not only of the company profit, but also to maintain a good performance and status of the company.

A hiring freeze is usually brought about by the slow movement of revenue in the company. Making an announcement regarding this matter must be delivered in a clear and reasonable manner.

Reasons for such a decision must be explained clearly. It does not need to be extremely detailed, but it should be enough to tell your employees why your company decided to commit to such a decision. Below is an example of a letter announcing a hiring freeze for a company.


November 25, 2010

Moon and Shine Jewelry Company
1234 Narrow Road
Rainbow, PA 10987

Moon and Shine Jewelry Company – New York Branch
2345 Antioch Drive
Queens, NY 02345

To All the Employees,

This is to inform everyone that the Moon and Shine Jewelry Company will have to put on hold the hiring of new employees. The administration understands that various sectors in the company are expecting to receive help, and this freeze may cause a little hardship in some departments. Rest assured however, that this will not last long.

The hiring freeze has been decided by the company in an effort to recover and create strategies in approaching the market due to the slow reception of the market to the products brought about by economic adjustments the state is currently experiencing.

Rest assured that this time will be used wisely to formulate new approaches in facing the market, so that by the start of next year, plans of hiring new applicants will finally be put into action.

The Company sincerely hopes for your understanding and support as we cope under the current situation. Rest assured that we will get back on track the soonest time possible.

Thank you, and good day!

With my most profound gratitude,

Eric Carter
Moon and Shine Jewelry Company

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