Announcement Letter of a New Product or Branch

Having a new product, client, store or a branch in a company is good news. This is indicative that the company is improving, and as a part of this successful improvement, having new additions in the company are introduced, in order to promote better business with everyone.

Of course, when there are additions, it is important to inform all the parties involved in your business, and this include your clients, consumers, affiliates and employees. This is so they will know that you are creating a solution to better reach out to your customers and finding ways to improve your services for the success of the company.

So when you create a letter announcing a new product, client, store or a branch office, make sure that you are going to specific on what particular announcement it is supposed to be. Create a letter with a welcoming and warm hint, expressing that the addition in your family is for the benefit of the parties involved in your business. Here is an example of such a letter.


December 25, 2010

CD and Flash Company
1234 Narrow Road
Rainbow, PA 10987

Nicolas Von Stoudt
2345 Antioch Drive
Queens, NY 02345

To all our valued customers,

We are pleased to inform you that the CD and Flash Company, your leading brand in providing CDs and flash disks, is adding a new branch at the Center Mall. This branch will be open to the public on the fifth of September. Our desire to create a new branch of CD and Flash is our thanks to you, our consumers, who patriotically purchased and trusted our products. This way, we will be able to provide better service to you, with more and better opportunities and options.

In celebration of our new branch, we are offering a new product, the Super Flash. This product, a flash disk, comes in a flashy color in the form of a small flash disk so that it will be convenient for you to carry it anywhere and use it anytime you see fit. Super Flash comes in different sizes of memories, from 1 gigabyte up to as big as 32 gigabytes.

We thank you for you continuous support to our company, and we hope that we will keep this harmonious consumer relationship with you in the future.

With all our thanks,

Finn Godric,
CD and Flash Company

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