Letter of Authorization To Do a Study or Report

Sometimes, companies need to find ways to know what new products need to be created. Nothing comes closer than knowing the needs of the customers by surveys and conducting studies.

But before you conduct your study, you need to have an approval from a higher official. This is where a letter to authorize a study or report is written.

A Study or Report Authorization letter is a formal letter from a higher official that grants you to conduct it. You cannot conduct a study without the knowledge of an authorized official or they might file a legal case against you. Once you are given the authorization, you can start conducting the study without worries.

This letter must be very brief and formal. State your rules and boundaries so that there will be no confusions and misunderstandings. Also state what kinds of people or things will act as the study subjects, the start and end date of the study and when to give their initial reports if applicable.

Lastly, give them your contact details so they can be able to reach you for their concerns and inquiries.

Here is a sample letter to authorize a study or report:


August 22, 2010

Grant Yates
2752 George Street
Gainesville, FL 32601

Dear Mr. Yates,

We have reviewed the contents of your proposal that you sent to us on August 10. We authorize you to make the study about the choices in foods and ingredients of our employees here in Muphysical, effectively on August 24. We will only allow you to make the study on our HR and Sales Department team. We also require you to send us weekly reports and the final copy of the report on September 17.

Please keep in mind that you can only conduct the study on our employees during their break time in the company’s premises. We have already informed these employees about the study. Kindly proceed as you have outlined your proposal.

If you still have questions and concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us at 559-617-7144 or at my email address at douglascato@muphysical. We look forward to see you first initial report next week.


Douglas Cato
Vice President
Muphysical Corporation

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