Letter Samples A-D

Announcement of Price Reductions


Rarely do we have the opportunity to inform our customers
of such good news. The legislature’s tariff ruling which
was handed down on May 15th, 1986, has made it possible
for our company to reduce our list price for Egyptian
cotton. Effective as of June 1, 1986, all full orders
received for six week delivery will be billed as follows:

#0134 $57.00 $51.30
#0135 $53.00 $47.70
#0136 $49.00 $44.10

We are very pleased to be able to pass this savings
directly on to you. These prices do not include the
additional 2 per cent discount that is offered to our
customers who pay within the 10 day discount period.

Announcement of Price Increase


Due to the increase in raw material costs, we must
unfortunately raise the cost of our merchandise to you.

We have avoided raising our prices for as long as
possible, but we can no longer prolong the inevitable.
We have enclosed our new price list for your review which
goes into effect on [date] Any orders placed between
now and [date of increase] will be honored at the lower

We wish to thank you for your valued account and know that
you will understand the necessity for this price increase.

Announcement of Partnership Buyout


This is to inform you that I have purchased all of the
interest of my former partner, [name] , and that
he is no longer associated with the firm of [name of firm]

Our business will continue to provide the same high quality
products and service on which we have built our reputation
and this internal change will in no way effect our company
policy or manner of conducting business.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the
coutesies you have shown us in the past, and hope that you
will let us continue to serve your business in a way that
is mutually beneficial and profitable to us both.

Announcement of New Shipment Arrival


Our new shipment from England has been unloaded,
delivered, dusted, and is now ready for your review.

We really found some marvelous pieces and when I tell
you that our container was jammed full, believe me,
it was full.

We welcome you to come, browse, buy if you like and
join us in a cup of espresso. We know you won’t be
sorry! See you soon.

Announcement of New Pricing Policy


It has been our policy in the past to supply ice to our
customers when their writing academic essays ice machine has broken down. Because
we have many customers who are paying later and later, we
are forced to set down stronger company policies. Our new
policy will go into effect August 3, 1986, and is as follows:

1. If the customer is more than 15 days late in their monthly
payment and the machine is not working, we will not supply
ice. We will repair the machine, and the number of days in
which the machine has not been in service will be credited to
the customer’s account. At the time of our service call we
will expect payment in full of any unpaid balance due us.

2. There will be a sur-charge on accounts falling more than
30 days behind.

While I am sorry that we must go to such extremes as those
outlined above, I am afraid that there is no alternative.
Our company policy is, and always has been, to provide the
best service available to our customers. We can only
continue to do this with our customer’s cooperation.

If there are any questions regarding our new policy, please
give me a call.

Announcement of New Discount


It is with great pleasure that we have recently welcomed
[name] to our beauty salon. [name] was
previously with [name of previous salon] in
[city] and we feel privileged that he has chosen
to work with [shop name]

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you of
another change that has taken place in our salon. Now, if
you make an appointment to have more than one treatment
done on the same day, we are offering a discount. For
example, if you are having your hair done and also having
us apply sculptured nails, the cost for your nail
application will be $25.00 instead of $30.00. The discount
for a manicure or pedicure is $2.00 off our regular price.

We felt you would want to hear about this and are hoping to
see you in the near future.

Announcement of New Business Opening


This is to inform you that The Chambers Software Company
is now open and is located at 4500 4th Avenue North,
St. Petersburg, Florida.

Our store offers a complete and diverse line of computer
software packages for both personal and business
application. Since we do not represent any individual
computer hardware manufacturer, the products that we
carry are compatable with many systems. We are therefore
able to offer to our customers a wide range of excellent
software packages. Enclosed, for your review, is a
partial list of the items we currently have available.

We hope that you will come and visit us soon.

Announcement of New Area Representative


We have assigned [name of rep] as our new
representative for your area. [name of rep]
has been with our firm for quite some time and is
extremely experienced in all aspects of our production.

[name of rep] will be coming to [name of city]
on [date] and will be calling on you in the
morning if that doesn’t conflict with your schedule.
If there is any problem with that date, please let us

Announcement of New Area Representative Visit


We have assigned [name of rep] as our new
representative for your area. [name of rep]
has been with our firm for quite some time and is
extremely experienced in all aspects of our production.

[name of rep] will be coming to [name of city]
on [date] and will be calling on you in the
morning if that doesn’t conflict with your schedule.
If there is any problem with that date, please let us

Announcement of Free Delivery Limitations Change


There has been a change in our delivery service policy
which we would like to bring to your attention.

We have always provided free delivery for any orders
placed with the [firm] , regardless of the
size of the order. Due to the increase in the price of
fuel, we must now limit this free delivery service to
any orders over $ , not including the purchase of
cigarettes. We regret the necessity of imposing this

We wish to take this opportunity to thank you for being
one of our most valued customers.