
Request for Instructions on Parts-Only Warranty Repair


This is to acknowledge our receipt of the above referenced

If you will read our warranty for this product carefully,
you will note that our one year guarantee covers parts
only. Any labor required for repairs is covered for a
ninety (90) day period following the date of purchase.

Therefore, while there will be no charge for any parts we
may need to replace, there will be a minimal charge of $
for our labor in making the necessary repairs.

We have enclosed a card for your instructions. Please
check the appropriate box and return it to us as quickly as

We wish to thank you for purchasing our product and hope
that we may continue to be of service to you.

Request for Instructions on Deferred Collections


May we please have your latest instructions on this
account? We ask this because collection has been
deferred at your request.

Please let us know if any payments have been made so
that we can update our files accordingly. If there
have been no payments tendered, we need to know how
you wish us to proceed in your behalf.

For your convenience, you may write your comments here:

Thank you for your cooperation.

Request for Information on Purchase Order


Your purchase order dated has been received by
our firm, but cannot be filled without the inclusion of a
purchase order number.

We are requesting that you either provide us with a number
for your order or issue a new purchase order for the items
you have requested.

To insure our quick delivery, please comply with this
request as soon as possible.

Request for Information on Invoice


This is to acknowledge our receipt of your invoice # .

We are unable to process this invoice due to the fact that
you have omitted our purchase order number.

Please forward same to us and we will make our remittance
promptly. Thank you.

Request for Information on Credit Hold


When I attempted to utilize my (firm) charge
card for a purchase on (date) , I was informed
that I would have to speak to the credit office before
I could charge any additional purchases to my account.
Inasmuch as there were several customers waiting in
line in your credit office, I am writing to you instead.

Could you please tell me if there is a problem with my
account, and, if so, the nature of the problem?

I will be looking forward to your prompt reply.

Request for Information on Credit Denial (Not Agency)

Dear Sir:

This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of (date)
in which you notified me that my application for credit with
your firm was denied, based on information you had received
from an individual other than a consumer credit reporting

Pursuant to my rights under federal law, I hereby request
that you disclose the nature of the adverse information
received by you.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter

Request for Information in Advance of Purchase Order


Attached to this letter is an overview of those items and
services which we anticipate ordering from your firm,
providing your terms and conditions are favorable, and
your prices competitive. Since this is only an
informed guess as to our needs, it should not be considered
as anything more than a rough idea of our requirements.

Please provide to us, in writing, a price list, along with
your terms and conditions of sale, applicable discounts,
shipping dates and additional sales and corporate policies.
Should the information you provide be acceptable and
competitive, you can look forward to our first order within
thirty (30) days.

Thank you for you cooperation. We have also enclosed our
procurement specifications and conditions for your review.

Request for Information from Credit Reporting Agency


Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, I am requesting the
nature of the adverse information given by you to:

A copy of the notice from the their credit department is

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Request for Full Refund


The Vegematic I purchased from you on May 15, 1986 turned
out to be quite a disappointment. While it looked the same
as the one I saw in your commercial, it did not perform in
the same way.

Following the instructions, I placed an onion in its proper
position and pushed down on the mincer, which immediately
bent out of shape. I experienced the same problem when I
attempted to dice a carrot.

Therefore, I am returning the Vegematic to you and ask that
you issue me a full refund. I am not interested in receiving
a replacement.

Request for Extension of Time on Promissory Note


According to the terms and conditions of the promissory
note I signed on June 15, 1986, I am obligated to tender
my payment in the amount of $5,000 to you on June 15, 1986.

I have just been informed that funds which were to be paid
to me prior to the due date on the note, have been delayed.
Needless to say, this comes as a great disappointment to me.
I have been assured, however, that these funds will be in my
possession by June 7, 1986.

I am requesting that the due date on the promissory note be
extended for a period of one month and a just consideration
for said extension be suggested by you.

I will look forward to your early response.