Letter of Appreciation for a Customer Suggestion

This letter should be written in a complimentary tone and positive. It is a letter more than thanking the person for the suggestion that was given to you: it is a letter that you have plans of implementing it.

1) Show how you appreciate the suggestion.

Sample sentences:
We appreciate your time to let us know on how we can improve our ordering system to serve you better.

Mary and I carefully studied your suggestion and we have decided that we will include your suggestion in our operations manual for the betterment of our services.

Thank you for calling our attention regarding the quality of our packaging materials. We have plans of considering your suggestion.

2) Explain in your letter how you plan to take action with the given suggestion.

Sample statements:
I have raised during the meeting with the President your suggestions and concerns. After he reviewed the matter, we will let you know for the decision.

I have asked Jane Smith to directly look into this matter. Kindly expect a call from her anytime this week.

We will discuss in our next meeting your ideas and we will see what we can do to incorporate your concerns with the existing system. We will let you know for updates.

3) State in your letter the benefits that you will get from the action.

Sample statements:
According to the Accounting department, the revenue will be increased by 25% if we implement the suggestion of the Marketing department.

We think that it would be a great idea to boost the morale of the employees.

The suggested procedure by one of our customers will be of great help to efficiently do the job of our sales clerk.

4) Close your letter expressing your appreciation.

Sample sentences:
Thank you for your suggestion. You deserve a credit for this very effective suggestion.

We appreciate your concern to help us improve our service.

Excellent recommendations like yours would definitely help our company’s revenue.

I sincerely thank you for taking the time to look into this matter.

Here’s a sample letter accepting a suggestion.


November 26, 2010

Lorelei Doe
2345 Antioch Drive
Queens, NY 02345

Dear Ms. Doe,

Thank you for your letter dated November 24, 2010 regarding your suggestion that we have to implement “non-smoking areas” in our hotel. You are indeed correct that we have to provide both non-smoking and smoking areas in our hotel such us in the dining area.

Our management has looked into this matter and decided to make changes in our policy. We will strictly implement smoke-free areas and there will be designated areas for smoking customers.

We certainly appreciate your time and efforts to make this very helpful suggestion. Our guests, like you are our first concern and we thank you for your comments to improve our services.

Jane Gates, VP Operations

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