Letter of Appointment to Schedule an Interview

If you are looking for candidates to fill in the position with your company, you have to schedule an interview with them. One way of setting an appointment with someone is sending a letter.

When you use a letter, you must cover all the pertinent details that you want to send the receiver. You will be able to clearly state the date, time, location, person to look for, requirements that they need to bring and other information that they have to know. When you use a letter, it shows the professionalism and formality of your company.

Writing a letter of appointment for a job interview should be brief, concise, and straight to the point. Compose a letter that is polite and accommodating. Do not make the reader feel intimidated because they might be hesitant to respond to you. It should be free from grammatical errors, misspelled words, and typographical errors.

Remember that whatever you send will reflect on your company. You might want to end your letter by asking the applicant to give his response on a specific date. The appointment letter should be sent through the company letterhead. If it’s through email, you should include a logo or address of the company in the body of the email.

Here’s a sample of a letter showing how to schedule an appointment letter for a job interview:


December 10, 2010

Jane Doe
28 Lafayette Drive,
Dallas, Texas 75012

e-mail: bluebox@server.net

Dear Ms. Doe,

Our company is currently in need for dynamic, talented, and motivated individuals to join our business creative team. After thoroughly assessing and reviewing your application for a post in our company, we are pleased to let you know that we are considering you for the Business Development Manager position.

As part of the initial screening steps, we would like to invite you to come in our office on December 15, 2010 at 9:00 am for a preliminary interview and personality exams. Please look for Mr. Sam Smith at Suite 123 Drive, California. Kindly bring your comprehensive resume and transcript of records.

Should you not be able to make it on the above date, please call Ms. Mary Johnson at 050-123-1458 to re-schedule the appointment.

We are looking forward to meet you.

Thank you.

Martha Kent
Human Resource Officer

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