Letter Samples L-R

Request for Warranty Repair


The watch that is within this parcel was purchased on
November 2, 1986, and is under warranty. The problem
that I am encountering is that the watch fails to keep
accurate time. It seems to gain approximately five
minutes per hour.

Please make any adjustments necessary, and return to the
above address as soon as possible.

Request for Verification of Receivable During Audit


In connection with an examination of our financial
statements by (name of accounting firm), Certified
Public Accountants, (address)(city)(state)(zip)
we will appreciate it if you will indicate the
correctness of the following information.

Our records indicate that, at the close of business on
(date) , the amount payable on your account was $ .

Please sign the confirmation form in the space provided
below if this amount agrees with your records. If it
does not agree, do not sign below but explain and sign
on the reverse side. Please return this form directly
to our accountants in the enclosed envelope.

Request for Verification of Deposit

Loan No._____________________
Escrow No.___________________


I have applied for a (form of loan) loan to be made
by (name of lending institution)

I shall appreciate your completing the Deposit
Verification for their confidential use and forwarding
it to:

(name of institution) Statement of Account
(address) Type of Account
(city,state,zip) ____________________
Thank you for your consideration and prompt reply, as
it will avoid many delays.
Very truly yours,
Is Statement Above Approximately Correct?
If "No", please give Current Balance $_____________
Date Account Opened_____________________
Approximate Average Balance for Past 2 Months $________
Loans Outstanding To Applicant:
Secured Date of Loan__________ Current Balance ________
Unsecured Date of Loan__________ Current Balance_______
This information is furnished to you in strict
confidence in response to your request and is solely
for use by you in connection with the above application
for a loan.
____________ _________________________ _______________________
Date Official Title Signature

Request for Transfer of Insurance to New Location


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Pursuant to your recent correspondence dated May 19, 1986,
please be advised that we have moved our office to 433
North Sunset Drive, Suite 1401, St. Petersburg, Florida
33705. Our telephone is 813 650-5501.

Please amend your records to show that our office location
has changed and transfer said insurance pursuant to this
request. As of this date, your insurance inspection
representative went through our office. As I informed
you, we are in the Chambers National Bank Building and do
not anticipate any problems in transferring this policy.

Please advise, at your earliest convenience, that these
matters as noted in this correspondence have been attended
to by your agency.

Request for Return Authorization


On March 5, 1986, I purchased a Chambers Microwave Oven,
Model No. Z 245. I have been experiencing some problems
with the product, which I would like to have remedied.

I purchased the microwave oven from A.B.C. Appliances, who
have recently experienced a fire and are, therefore, unable
to provide any service.

May I have your authorization to send the microwave oven to
your factory for service?

Request for Replacement of Damaged Merchandise


(specify number) of the (quantity and product) that we
received from you on (date) pursuant to our purchase
order # , were either broken or chipped upon delivery.

We would appreciate it if you would arrange for the
replacement of the damaged items and advise us how you
wish to handle the return of the broken merchandise.

Request for Replacement of Check on Pending Order


This to acknowledge the receipt of your check for your
pending order. Thank you very much.

Unfortunately, this check is not drawn in accordance with
our contractual terms for payment and we are, therefore,
returning it to you.

Would you please authorize the issuance of a replacement
check in accordance with the provisions for payment?

We are most anxious to deliver your (specify) and will
be looking forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Request for Repair of Enclosed Merchandise


Contained herein is the (identify product), purchased on
(date) , which is still under warranty. I have
enclosed a copy of my bill of sale for this purchase.

The problem that I am experiencing is as follows:

I would be most appreciative if you would either make the
necessary repairs or send me a replacement.

Thank you for your prompt attention.

Request for Refund on Undelivered Merchandise


In my letter of (date) , I explained that the merchandise
I ordered from you hadn’t arrived. I am attaching a copy of
that correspondence for your convenience.

Having received neither the merchandise nor a response to my
previous letter, I am requesting that you refund the (amount)
remitted with my order. Attached is a copy of my canceled

I shall be looking forward to receiving my refund promptly.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Request for Refund of Duplicate Payment


On (date) , this office mailed to you a check
in the amount of $ per your (date) invoice.

After reviewing your file, I realized that this account
had been paid in full on (date) I am enclosing
a Photostat of our canceled check # in the amount
of $

I would appreciate it if you would reimburse this office
for the duplicate payment. I apologize for any
inconvenience this error has caused.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.