
Request for Contractor References

In order to help us assess your firm’s ability to meet
our requirements, we are asking that you provide us with
a list of firms where you have completed installation.

In addition to the name of the user company, would you
please identify the plant and location where the product
is in service and the quantity of products furnished. If
there is someone in particular we should contact, that
information would be helpful.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Request for Clarification on Applying Payment


In order to assist our accounts receivable department
personnel, we request that you please include your statement
stub with your payment and place a check mark next to those
invoices you are including in your payment.

This will enable proper crediting of your account. Thank you
very much.

Request for Character Reference


(applicant) has applied with our company for
a position in our bookkeeping department. He has given
your name as a character reference. Would you be kind
enough to provide us with your written evaluation of
this individual. Please be assured that your response
will be treated with confidentiality. Thank you

Request for Authorization to Substitute


Our contract entered into on (date) specifies that
we will deliver (specify goods) .

We regret to inform you that the goods herein referred to
are unavailable because (set forth reason) .

We are hereby requesting your authorization to substitute
the following product in lieu of the one we cannot obtain:
. If you are agreeable to this, would you
please acknowledge your acceptance by letter.

We will look forward to your response.

Request for Attendance at Meeting


Enclosed is a copy of a staff report being transmitted
to the City Planning Commission relative to the down
zoning of the Los Amigas property. The Commission will
be considering the suggestions made at its regular meeting
of July 2, 1986 after 2:15 P.M., in Room 561-A, City Hall.

I think it is extremely important that we attend. Since
this is one of several matters to be acted upon, it is
difficult to know precisely when they will act upon our

Please let me know if you will be able to go with me. It
might not be a bad idea to have Phil Watson present also.
What do you think?

Request for Advice


Frankly, I need your advice on a matter of great concern
to the employees at the local manufacturing facility. It
seems the constant rumors of a corporate takeover are
filtering down to the general work force, and the loyalty
may soon falter. I have heard of some employees submitting
their applications to our competitors. This could create
problems if not dealt with now.

I feel obliged to make some sort of official statement to
the employees and hope for your guidance as to the content

I would be most grateful for your thoughts and advice on
this most sensitive matter.

Request for Advertising Rate Information


Our firm manufactures (type of products)
We are interested in investigating the possibility of
national advertising.

We would be very appreciative if you would provide us
with your rates and any demographic information you may
have on potential users for our products which we feel
primarily fall into the following category:

(sex and marital status)
(age range)
(other characteristics)

Thank you for your prompt attention to our request. We
will be looking forward to hearing from you.

Request for Additional Information Not in Brochure


On (date) , I requested information on your new
software package, and your brochure was delivered to my
office on (date) .

Thank you for the manner in which you expedited this
information to me. You are to be commended.

I do have one question regarding your new program. (?)
I will be looking forward to your response.

Request for Account Verification During Audit


In connection with an examination of our financial
statements by (name of accounting firm), Certified
Public Accountants, (address)(city)(state)(zip)
we will appreciate it if you will indicate the correctness of the following information.

Our records indicate that, at the close of business on
(date) , the amount payable on your account was $ .

Please sign the confirmation form in the space provided
below if this amount agrees with your records. If it
does not agree, do not sign below but explain and sign
on the reverse side. Please return this form directly
to our accountants in the enclosed envelope.