Letter of Complaint on Unfair Insurance Settlement

Like other complaint letters, correspondence lamenting on unfair insurance payment or settlement is a formal document that must be written clearly defined and in a non-emotional manner. The subject of the complaint is a delay or denial of a fair claim by an insurance policy holder. Hence, the claim must be substantiated with proper documentation.

A letter complaining about an insurance adjuster/company’s unfair claims practice aims to point out insurer’s oversight or negligence and to get what is due to the policy holder, as stipulated in the insurance agreement.
Include pertinent information, like where the complainant can be reached for settlement, is important.

Unethical insurance firms may stonewall policy holders by telling them the claim may be under investigation. If the insurance company won’t budge, the insurance policy holder may write to an insurance regulatory board. Here’s a letter of complaint about an unfair insurance settlement:

November 25, 2010

Mr. Joseph Renzo
Generali Insurance Plans
170 O’Farrell Street
San Francisco, CA 98765

Ref: Policy number – CRT/567/489/DE

Dear Mr. Renzo,

This is to bring to your attention that the settlement check issued by your company for damages caused by the recent storm to our residential property is not the right amount I am entitled to. Generali Insurance Plans’ letter explicitly states that it reflects the depreciation value of our property. I must point out that we recently bought the property.

A close perusal of my insurance documents shows that I am entitled to receive $1,570 instead of the $850 you sent. This is to request that the check representing the balance for full settlement of my insurance be sent to me within 30 days of the date of this letter. I may be reached anytime at 415 555-5888. If you require a meeting and additional information, my legal counsel and will be at hand.

I look forward to your immediate reply and action on this matter.

Sincerely Yours,

Janet Johnson

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