Letter to Complaint About Community Problems

Writing a letter to complain about the community, aims to spur government officials or public service agencies to action. There are occasions when citizens feel the need to bring problems to the immediate attention of community leaders. A complaint letter about community problems is a formal way to do it. This type of letter should clearly and concisely state details about the grievance or issue of public concern.

There is no need to beat around the bush nor use flowery words with this type of letter. Simply go straight to the point after the initial greeting and brief introduction of the problem. The letter-sender may begin by citing his/her particular community or residential area, and then cite the main point or the complaint itself. The letter-writer may then immediately indicate the proposed course of action or offer assistance.

Here is an example of a letter complaining to the chief of traffic in a bustling city.

December 2, 2010

Traffic Chief
City Hall
New York, NY 10007

Re: rise in accidents from speeding vehicles in New York

Dear Officer Jones:

Along with other concerned citizens of New York City, I have observed that there is an urgent need to enforce a new speed limit in New York City. We have also noted the necessity of improving the traffic light system, particularly along Pennsylvania Avenue. It has come to the attention of residents in this area that the increase in vehicular accidents in said part of New York City has been due to speeding vehicles.

The fact that there are few traffic lights along Pennsylvania Avenue has also contributed to vehicular accidents.

We believe that these are pressing issues since public safety – both of individuals in our area as well as motorists — is at stake. We request for your immediate action on the matter.

Sincerely Yours,

Kevin Thomas

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